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Middle Grade Posts

12 books

Middle Grade Marvels

list by Kerry Clare

Notes from a Children's Librarian: The "I Am Canada" Series

by Julie Booker

"These first-person narratives are so compelling that a reader doesn’t even notice that they’re actually learning history."

Launchpad: THE BARREN GROUNDS, by David A. Robertson

by Kerry Clare

"David A. Robertson has written such a fine, beautiful novel. He manages to combine hard truths about our history with a Narnia-like fantasy, sweeping …

Books for Orange Shirt Day

by Julie Booker

Books to connect younger readers with the tragic legacy of Canada's residential schools.

Most Anticipated: Our Fall 2020 Books for Young Readers Preview

by 49th Shelf Staff

New books for young readers...and readers of all ages!

Launchpad: Tales from the Fringes of Fear, by Jeff Szpirglas

by Kerry Clare

“A spine-tingling collection that's dead on for young horror buffs.”

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Catchy Beginnings

by Julie Booker

Great books with great starts.

Most Anticipated: Spring 2020 Books for Young Readers Preview

by 49thShelf Staff

We're excited to be looking ahead to books for young readers, including picture books, middle grade, and YA titles.

Four Fast-Paced, Captivating Middle Grade Books Any Student Will Love

by Geoffrey Ruggero

If you’re looking for a great story, where the main characters are relatable, look no further than the Orca Currents collection. These books are known …

8 books

Christmas Ideas for Middle-Graders

list by Kiley Turner

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